Antelope Canyon - Page, Arizona Wind Surfing * San Diego Sailing San Diego San Diego! Night or Day! Fall has Crunch! Hacienda de Oro, Mexico New York City, Before 911 and After Way Cool Flowers A Carribean Cruise Roses On Parade

FOOD is a Beautiful Thing,
Especially when served on the old streets of Europe.

Bon Apatite!

Salute was our local Italian Restaurant here in Moon Valley. The owner requested some of my photographs of sidewalk cafes and restaurants. I found many, and narrowed it down to 22 for the owners to choose from. I had a proof sheet printed with the best of twelve, and nine of which will fit the nine 22” x 34” frames I have in stock. The images were perfect for the various walls, both horizontal and vertical. I stopped by to show the owner, and was informed they had sold the restaurant the day before!  I am thankful I did not print the full size images, but at the same time disappointed; the photographs, with a little trimming, cropping and highlighting, had turned out better than I expected. I will add more as I find them.
If you need any of these in any size, please send me an email!
They are ready for the printer any size from 24” x 36” as well as any other size. 

Antelope Canyon - Page, Arizona Wind Surfing * San Diego Sailing San Diego San Diego! Night or Day! Fall has Crunch! Hacienda de Oro, Mexico New York City, Before 911 and After Way Cool Flowers A Carribean Cruise Roses On Parade