Antelope Canyon - Page, Arizona Wind Surfing * San Diego Sailing San Diego San Diego! Night or Day! Fall has Crunch! Hacienda de Oro, Mexico New York City, Before 911 and After Way Cool Flowers A Carribean Cruise Roses On Parade
My Dancing Daughter Safiyyah said,
"Oh Peter! Take a picture of this,"
pointing up a street view she knew and loved.
I looked for a moment, and said, "Close one eye, sweetheart."
"Oh my! That changes everything."
I explained the camera sees with one eye, and it is shadow and light which will give it the image depth.
We walked on, as she quietly looked with a new eye. She tugged my sleeve again later, asking,
"Is this One Eye Worthy?"
I dedicate this collection to Safiyyah, and her brother Michael whose 21st birthday brought me to New York in April, 2001.
The World Trade Center towers fell in September.
When I returned in April 2002, the city was united, polite, and rebuilding its' confidence.
I did not take as many photos, both from respect, and not wanting to intrude on the healing.
The absence of the towers was amazing!
I have not been back since, but I feel the need to return.

April 2001

April 2002

Images can be ordered in custom sizes. Please contact me with your needs.

Antelope Canyon - Page, Arizona Wind Surfing * San Diego Sailing San Diego San Diego! Night or Day! Fall has Crunch! Hacienda de Oro, Mexico New York City, Before 911 and After Way Cool Flowers A Carribean Cruise Roses On Parade